Why your cleaners should be DBS checked
When you open your door to a professional cleaner, it’s safe to assume a few things. Typically, that they’re qualified, experienced and trustworthy. But, of course, anyone who values their property wouldn’t cross their fingers and simply hope for the best. They’d do some basic company background checks for full assurance—read testimonials, seek referrals, and learn more about the cleaning processes and products involved, for example.
But what about the people actually carrying out the work—the cleaners who will come into your home or office on a regular basis? Is it right to ask about their background too? The answer is yes, and it’s called a ‘DBS check’.
What’s a DBS check?
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) provides a checking service that discloses any criminal records for a particular individual. With this information, people can make more informed (and potentially safer) hiring decisions based on criminal record information. This is particularly important for roles involving contact with children in schools, nurseries or childcare, as well as vulnerable adults in hospitals and care homes.
It’s also a perfectly acceptable question to ask when it comes to hiring a trustworthy cleaning company for your office or home. Making sure all its cleaners are DBS checked is a quick and easy way to put your mind at ease.

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It’s in everyone’s best interest
As well as providing customers with peace of mind, it’s within the company’s best interest to hire people they can trust to represent their business and build its integrity. Their reputation is on the line, after all.
All good cleaning companies will understand that at any point they could be offered work in properties where more reassurance is essential, such as those mentioned above where there could be children or vulnerable adults in the vicinity. Which means they should be upfront about DBS checks for its employees from the get-go and shouldn’t have a problem providing that information to potential customers when asked.
It’s peace of mind that costs you nothing
As well as giving you confidence that your home or office is in good hands, asking if a cleaning company comes with DBS checks costs nothing. Of course, it costs the company money to have each employee checked, but it’s small price to pay to protect their business and gain the trust of customers.
There are two types of check, depending on where the work is carried out and who they’re likely to come into contact with in the process:
A Standard check—discloses all convictions held on the police national computer including all old convictions together with cautions, reprimands and warnings.
An Enhanced check—for anyone coming into frequent contact with children or vulnerable adults during the course of their work (for example in schools, hospitals, care homes, etc). It includes a Standard check plus any other relevant information held by the police, Department of Education and Department of Health.
What Are Our Carpet Cleaning Costs?
For carpet cleaning, we need a minimum of 3 hours of cleaning per week, this is the only way we can ensure that our carpet cleaning services are being used in a way that will show results.
Our commercial carpet cleaning has grown from strength to strength and through this we have learnt all the tips and tricks of the trade. DLT Cleaning Services only provide a value for money carpet cleaning quote and price, because of this, we can confidently say we offer the best carpet clean services in Guildford.
For a FREE quote for commercial carpet cleaning, contact us or call 01483 313077. We can organise a free survey on site within 48 hours, our business and fully insured carpet cleaning team in Guildford, Surrey will get a cleaning plan pulled together asap.
You’ve got nothing to lose
As the saying goes, ‘ask and you shall receive’. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose by asking about DBS checking. If the answer is yes, you can open the door to your office with peace of mind and confidence in the people you invite in.
If the answer is ‘no’ you can decide if it’s worth taking the risk.